Friday, June 1, 2007

I know, this is mind blowing, right? Three posts in what... two days? Well, it's just been a funny few days, that's all!

As of now, I am sitting at (you guessed it) yet another computer. Being at a computer two back-to-back days is pretty strange, and my typing seems to be getting a bit faster than it was before.

Yesterday, I hiked out of Pearisburg at about noon, after a delicious lunch at Hardees. However, that lunch didn't seem as awesome when I hit the big uphill back up to the ridge outside of Pearisburg... suddenly 2400 calories of cheeseburger, fries and milkshake was like a giant anchor dragging me down.

To make matters even more interesting, a scant 4 miles into my walk the weather took a dramatic turn. I was amazed to see how quickly the storm came up at high altitude, with swirling winds and rumbles of thunder. I essentially ran the last 2 miles to the shelter, knowing that the broken woods and meadows at high altitude would be a bad place to be stuck if a big storm hit. I dashed across the last field just as the rain picked up, encouraged by Walker, Mellow, and Sir Privywinks who had already taken shelter.We bunked down in the shelter, where we met another interesting character... "CaoBoi" was one of the contestants from Survivor 13, the one where they split up teams by race! He was an interesting, if very talkative, dude.

The storm was all it promised, complete with a strike on a barb wire fence about 20 yards from the shelter.

From that short day, we walked out about 13 miles to get here, to The Captain's house right across the river from the AT, where we are just in time for the big annual "Big Time" trail magic bbq. Since another thunderstorm is rolling in, it looks like we are in the right place at the right time!

All the best

ps - hows THAT for posting on the blog, jared??


Dan said...

Nice wetsuit, man. Your super-evolved hairless chin really stands out in that picture. Those of us who go through life happily hirsute can never know the power your gleaming chin of the future possesses.

Shavily yours,


Anonymous said...

You're in Virgina!?! That's almost the north, good good. Continue traveling away from the dark side. Pictures are awesome, but I miss you.

You hear about a-rod's latest fiasco? It's like he wants to MAKE SURE we all really and truly know that he is the lowest of low, most pathetic of professional athletes. So he proved it again. Gotta love it!

Every time I call home I receive a 20-minute summary of your life, the hike, the hostels, the weather on your hike, your current mood, length of your hair, number of blisters on your feet, status of your knees, an estimated number of miles traveled so far, and your presumed current thoughts (based on mom's predictions and analysis of your word choices during phone conversations). I think this whole AT thing effectively places you at the top of the Kimball Sibling Hierarchy.

I MISS YOU. Hope you're having fun!!


AVH said...

So, Robbie darling, I was at the A's game on Monday night, which naturally made me think of you. :-D

Anyway, in deference to you and yours, I'll refrain from smack talk at this point in time. Suffice to say, it was an AMAZING game, and I had more or less lost my voice by the end of it.

Lots 'o love,
Anna V.