Monday, July 30, 2007

Some photos, some news

First some updates, thank you for being patient!!

Thank you, Matt Tobin, for ferrying Rob back to meet up with his friends in Port Clinton, PA. Matt shared lunch with some hiker buddies, and acquired some trail angel points by offering rides to the hostel. Rob was still a little uncertain about being ready for the trail again, but called a couple days later to say he was feeling much better and getting back into hiker mindset.

He made it to the Delaware Water Gap last week, and is now through New Jersey and into New York. Last night (July 29) he "spent the night at the home of the Mayor of Unionville, NY!" I understand we will get all the details on Thursday when I will get the challenge of feeding several thru hikers who will be making a tour to Glastonbury for a few nights off-trail. I've started shopping already, and preparations are underway!

Til then, here are some photos I finally was able to download from Rob's camera card. These take you first back to Shenandoah National Park, where DadK had his "Taste of the Trail".

Rob's sisters may or may not fondly remember the Lewis Mountain Cabins, where we stayed in 1996. Our cabin also housed a family of mice - and MomK lied bigtime, telling the kids "oh no, they are all gone now" as I watched Mama Mouse peeking at me from behind a bed. Camp cooking!
Does anyone have a guess as to where Rob may have acquired Lyme Disease? Shenandoah deer practically jump into your pack.
Once more scene from Dad K's trip to VA.

Here are some scenes from Harper's Ferry - approximate half-way point and home of the Appalachian Trail Conservancy. Put your photo on the wall!
Rob and, I think, Grizzle. Check out the little kid on the bottom left - gawking at the thru-hikers!

Rob's birthday eve, courtesy of trail angels also known as the RoseSniffer Family! On the right, the notice of their offer of angelship - bonfire and cheeseburgers followed by indoor accommodations (showers!) and pancake breakfast. And below see the birthday cake they surprised Rob with. We all continue to be awed at the good will of people along the Trail.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Hello friends!

Time for a long overdue update on the Bigby situation here. Here's how it went down:

On the day before my birthday (Friday the 6th) we hooked up with the Rosesniffers, a pair of incredible trail angels who took us into their home and provided us with kind hospitality and terrific food, as well as promising to help us fineagle our way into Gettysburg the next day for my b-day. As if that weren't enough, they surprised me with a birthday cake just before the big bonfire.

Despite the awesome day, I was starting to feel a little lousy. Luna's talk of Lyme disease worried me, since my flu like symptoms seemed to fit the description of the nasty bug. I napped in my hammock and chugged orange juice and seemed to be doing alright. That night, I tried to sleep it off, and was fast asleep when I was hilariously awakened at midnight (the stroke of my 21st) by my buddies, who shook me awake to celebrate the moment.

The next day, after a delicious Rosesniffer breakfast, we shuttled our way into Gettysburg. We managed to work out a convenient downtown hotel room to jam our 10 person party into, and started to enjoy the town. I was feeling so/so, but started to decline as we drove around the battlefield in Tater's parents' car, checking out the sights. At dinner, where we were lucky enough to have the Rosesniffers and their friends Sue and Nick drop by and join us, I was feeling pretty good, especially after chugging four ibuprofen. After dinner, Nick took us out to the town for the celebratory bar crawl through Gettysburg. Fortunately I was feeling up to it, and had an awesome time with all my friends.

The next day, my symptoms set on with a vengeance. I felt completely miserable, and was lucky enough to have Tater's folks take me to Gettysburg Hospital to get checked out. Not only did they drive me, but they took the time to wait for me to get diagnosed, and take me to get my Rx filled when the doctor said it was probably Lyme or Rocky Mountain Spotted fever.

I spent the next 48 hours practically immobile and completely sick at the hotel in Gettysburg, barely moving from my bed and wondering what the next play was. Luck struck again in the form of Tater's parents' generosity: they were driving right by my hometown of Glastonbury on their way back to Maine and volunteered to shuttle me home to recover. It seemed like the best idea, so I headed back.

Now, after a week of R&R and much needed catching up with my friends, it's back to the trail! I am skipping up to stay with my friends, and will update as soon as possible.

All the buddies I saw in Glastonbury: you really recharged my batteries, and are making it hard for me to leave. It was great seeing you and I miss you already! But, trailward bound!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Heading Home for Rest, Recuperation + Friends

Rob made the decision to come home to recover from his Lyme Disease symptoms and to get some weight back on before resuming his hike. He is en route now (Tuesday afternoon) courtesy of "Tater's" folks, who are detouring to Glastonbury on their way back to Maine. Rob's found another wonderful set of surrogate parents! I'll be so happy to meet them and thank them, and of course to see Rob. I expect they'll arrive sometime this evening.

So, Friends, be sure to come on by - the door's always open to you all and he's not contagious! You'll speed his recovery. And I'll be happy to see all of you myself, house feels kinda quiet and lonely this summer!

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Birthday Addendum

Rob received an unexpected birthday present - fever, malaise, flu-like symptoms and (this won't work for hikers) no appetite. These symptoms - which had bothered him for a couple days then really blossomed this morning; coupled with constant tick exposure, led him to decide to visit the Gettysburg Hospital emergency room (thank you, parents of "Tater", for helping him get there and ferrying his pack to the hotel!) He spent most of today there, got some blood work back (looks, so far, like it isn't Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) - and they are treating him for Lyme Disease. He picked up his antibiotic and is spending the night at the Quality Inn in Gettysburg. He'll visit the ER doc again tomorrow, and see how he feels. Hopefully after a few days' rest, the resolving of his symptoms, and the antibiotic kicking in - he'll be able to walk again!

I guess the "present" was the fortunate situation that he was in a place with hotels and hospitals when he started feeling pretty bad - and he continues to be the recipient of many favors from Trail Angels. Feel better soon, Rob!!

Happy Birthday Rob/Bigby!

While the MomK and DadK were a bit sad to have the whole family scattered this 4th of July holiday - Rob-on-the-Trail, Annie in Chicago, Jess in NYC - we took comfort in knowing everyone is well and happy. And congratulations, Rob, on reaching well over 1060 miles AND your 21st birthday (July 7)!

Rob and friends made a side trip to Gettysburg NP, where they were able to watch Civil War re-enactments all day. Years ago when we did a family trip to Gettysburg, Rob wouldn't have predicted he'd be spending his 21st birthday at this particular location. (A feature of that trip was a guide-led tour of the battlefields. In a strange dichotomy, the guide managed to be simultaneously boring, as he rattled off a well-memorized monologue at each stop of the tour; and terrifying as he drove our van at breakneck speed between stops. I seem to recall his getting our van stuck at one point - even DadK, normally serene in all situations, was perturbed. The kids still remind us of this "bad trip" event and had sworn off Gettysburg forever, we thought.)

Happy Birthday Rob, we love you!! (and miss you.) We look forward to hearing about your continuing adventures on the trail, and to your getting closer to home every day!

Monday, July 2, 2007

Well, in the immortal words of Bon Jovi...

Whooooaaaa---- we're halfway there whoooaH! Livin' on a prayer! Except, in this case, the prayer is really Lipton noodles and Snickers.

Yep, that's right... we've reached lovely and historic Harper's Ferry West Virginia, site of John Brown's famous raid and home of various historical bric-a-brac. Aside from being a neat little town, Harper's Ferry is also past the 1000 mile mark of the AT! (1008.7 to be precise). Even though it's another 80 miles to the ACTUAL halfway point, this town is considered by many to be the psychological halfway of the thru-hike.

The hike in was surprisingly difficult, with Virginia proving she had at least a few more tricks up her sleeve before we made our escape. The last stretch of trail in VA is a 12 mile section called the "Roller Coaster," a flurry of 10 peaks that makes for a strenuous day of climbing and descending. We pounded through it in the heat, humidity, and rain, and finally put Virginia in the books. After 535 miles, it is AMAZING to be in another state at last! Now there will be a series of borders that will take us through West Virginia, Delaware and into Pennsylvania in just a few days.

To celebrate the halfway mark, we are taking TWO days off. Yesterday, thanks largely to Boognish's friend Amanda, we drove into Baltimore to catch the Orioles/Angels game at Camden Yards! It was a blast, and a big culture shock to be in such a big city. Today, we will bum around and let our resident thru-hiking 5 Star chef (G) cook us a delicious meal!

Anyways, the trails are happy and it's great to know I will be in New England soon. All my DC people- sorry I couldnt fineagle my way into the district, I really wanted to see you guys though!!

Well, off to the outfitter to bum around for a while. Talk to you soon!
