Sunday, July 8, 2007

Birthday Addendum

Rob received an unexpected birthday present - fever, malaise, flu-like symptoms and (this won't work for hikers) no appetite. These symptoms - which had bothered him for a couple days then really blossomed this morning; coupled with constant tick exposure, led him to decide to visit the Gettysburg Hospital emergency room (thank you, parents of "Tater", for helping him get there and ferrying his pack to the hotel!) He spent most of today there, got some blood work back (looks, so far, like it isn't Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever) - and they are treating him for Lyme Disease. He picked up his antibiotic and is spending the night at the Quality Inn in Gettysburg. He'll visit the ER doc again tomorrow, and see how he feels. Hopefully after a few days' rest, the resolving of his symptoms, and the antibiotic kicking in - he'll be able to walk again!

I guess the "present" was the fortunate situation that he was in a place with hotels and hospitals when he started feeling pretty bad - and he continues to be the recipient of many favors from Trail Angels. Feel better soon, Rob!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Rob, Get well soon i hope to see you in western Mass.
and Happy birthday!!!! Not much has happened here but I discovered a slight fear of heights.

From, little cuz