Monday, August 6, 2007

Thru PA and NJ and into NY with a detour to CT!

Mom and Dad K, along with Sister Bear the Eldest (Jess) were privileged to host five hikers at our home this weekend. First - some photos to catch you up on Rob's progress since returning to the Trail post-Lyme Disease.

Heading back! Rob heads back to Port Clinton, PA, with buddy Matt Tobin (who provided the transportation.)

Is it Disney? NO, it's CABELA'S! Everything from a shootin' gallery to a living room. Matt's thinking about taking a shot; Rob is contemplating taking a nap, looks like.
Scenes of wildlife to ease Rob's transition back to hiker status!

Back on the Trail!!

Pennsylvania supplies a lesson in geology.
Over 1200 miles from Springer Mountain! We had heard there were rocks in Pennsylvania...
The Trail goes right over them, seems like EVERY one in PA! (Note the blazes.)

Minimalist Fishing
BigBy prepares his line...
Casts off...

Caught one! Really!
Rob was rather pleasantly surprised by the New Jersey section of the trail! Here, a boardwalk through a lovely wetland. Crossing into New York on August 1!
A scene from New York -
- soon after which it was time for their rendezvous with Dad K, and a LONG ride home crammed in our pickup. While it seats 6, it was a bit cramped!

Here, some scenes from our hiker weekend! Dinner at the house - menu included barbecue beef (appetizer); then lemon chicken, jambalaya, shrimp cocktail and fruit salad; followed by cheesecake. That's just the first night! Clockwise from left: Tater, Jake, Grizzle, BigBy and Candy Bar. The guys went out to Good Will to purchase some evening duds - and all journeyed to New Haven to meet up with some of "Tater's" friends at Yale.
MomK (the short one) almost made Jess (AKA Sister Bear) late for her train by insisting on a group photo first, prior to waving goodbye on Sunday Aug. 5.
Then this great group of people jumped in the pickup w/ DadK and journeyed to NYC, where they met Jess and helped her move to her new apartment. Many hikers made short work of the move, after which they had a hot dog feast and were delivered back to the trailhead near Bear Mountain, NY. Hopefully I can meet them again with "Medium" Sister Bear when she's home on break from Chicago next week!


Anonymous said...

LMAO, Rob! Grow some facial hair! LOL

Mom K said...

Check out Dad K in the Shenandoah photos to see Rob's future Stephen - when he hits his fifties he'll still be a pretty skinny guy! Maybe sparse hair on the chin, but hair on the head (and thanks to my side of the gene pool, it won't be gray!)

Hope you are well, good friend who took care of Rob when he lost his appendix - love, Mom K