Sunday, April 15, 2007

Week 2 ends w/ bad weather, tired feet, and the help of friends

"Bigby" and friends made it down the steep descent into Nantahala Outdoor Center yesterday (Saturday) ahead of the N'oreaster that we're now feeling in Connecticut. Spent last night in a cabin at NOC, having had a chance to do laundry and get a good meal. The Five Guys helped out some late-arrivals who came down the Trail by headlamp - sharing their cabin and getting some good food into them. Now today, the favor was returned to Rob - as he awoke to really sore feet (week 2 is notorious for blisters, and he is finding that out first hand) and then couldn't find his cell phone. He was feeling pretty bleak as his friends prepared to leave without him - he decided to take a zero today to try and care for his feet (and deal with the lost phone.) But the situation improved dramatically when he was offered lodging at the cabin owned by "Murdock" (section hiker who was finishing up his hike from Springer. After a hitch involving a classic restored Mustang, Rob arrived at Murdock's cabin, and found his phone buried in the pack. Hikers take care of hikers!

Below see Fontana Dam, site of Rob's next post (April 17).

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