Thursday, May 3, 2007

Hello Friends!!!

First of all, the spacebar onthis computer does not work very well.

I am currently in lovely Erwin, TN, at the Super 8 motel w/ ByteCode + Churchmouse.

Sadly, the Pain Train has largely spread out: ByteCode plans to slackpack 30 or so miles ahead of me tommorow, Sideshow and Grizzle are a ways behind me (about 1 day), and Big Shanty is still in Hot Springs nursing his ankle. We are all hoping for a speedy and full recovery for him, and a quick return to the trail.

Wow, huge thanks to Mom for doing such great updates! So cool to see my pictures!

Night hiking was incredible, the full moon gave me enough light to do some miles with Blaze, Brisk, and Tater. We hiked under the stars in a big open field, and rose to the sunrise. The next day (yesterday) I pounded out 17 miles largely alone, struggling in the afternoon heat. That left only 6 into Erwin this AM, which I sprinted in about 2 miles.

Now we are in town, dodging yet ANOTHER rain storm.

Time to go snag a legendary Erwin burrito!

Much love


Anonymous said...

What's slackpacking?

Bonfire Crew is forming a band this summer, and I'm writing a trail ballad for you. Maybe if I see you I'll sing it for you. MAYBE.

I think it's wicked impressive that you can walk seventeen miles then run two more. You're steely.

Love, Steph

Anonymous said...

Night Hiking, to a full moon?

I guess bears weren't enough for you huh. You gotta kick it up a notch to werewolves?

So intense.



Anonymous said...

I have attempted to locate your position on Google Maps, and perhaps get a glimpse of you cantering about.

Unfortunatly, the resolution in your last registered location...Erwin, TN, is how shall I say...

It reminds me of some paintings from the Met in NYC. I think I got a better look at it from the 3 inch computer generated pictures of earth in the background during certain shots from the movie Apollo 13.

I will not give up the hunt though!

Good Luck!
