Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Alcohol stoves

So during the course of my regular internet trolling, I came across a rather tantalizing deal on www.steepandcheap.com, my beloved purveyor of one-time surprise outdoor equipment in limited quantity (like Woot.com for gearheads).

The deal in question? The legendary Primus multifuel camp stove for 50% off, a scant $55.

This raised the thorny issue of hot food on long trails. Now, up to this point I have been a devoted fan of my MSR Whisperlite, the reliable old white gas burning jet engine that has been a workhorse for me for more than 5 years. However, I have my doubts about the availability of white gas along the trail. I know, some people who know more than I do about things will say that it is incredibly easy to find, and I'm sure they're right. However, the idea of being able to burn a lot of easy to find fuels (the Primus burns unleaded gas, LP gas cylinders, and white gas)

Enter the Alternative: denatured alcohol stoves. I have heard time and time again about these little home-made wunder-stoves, but have always had my doubts. But, with the half-price Primus sold out, I decided to bite the bullet and make a few soda can stoves.

Thanks to the great guides at PCTHiker.com (http://www.pcthiker.com/pages/gear/pepsiGstoveinstruct.shtml), i was able to bang out a few prototypes. I have to say, it was surprisingly easy. The hardest part of making my first mini stove was drinking two Red Bulls in 48 hours. Yuck.

Even more amazing? These things work. They burn idly for a minute to get up to temperature, and then suddenly ignite like a genuine gas burner in your kitchen range. They boil water in well under 10 minutes, and are silent (a great improvement from the inappropriately-named Whisperlite, which sounds like a jet turbine).

More on this, and pictures, at a later date.

Happy Trails!

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