Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Greetings from Fontana Dam!

Hello friends and family!

Finally have a chance to sit at a computer! I read through my old entries and comments - wow, thanks SO MUCH to Mom for keeping such an awesome blog! The stories sound even cooler coming from her! Thanks to you all for keeping up, your phone messages and comments are such a godsend (special thx to Jared for Red Sox updates, Beccap for random voicemails, and sisters for their love + messages!)

Yesterday was a beast... Me and a buddy (Grizzle) slack-packed 12 miles thanks to Murdock, who delivered our packs to Stacoah gap. After that, we backpacked another 3 to the next shelter (Brown Fork). For whatever reason, this hike TORE UP my knee. My left knee hurt so badly on descents, i could barely walk... i had better luck turning around and descending backwards! Grizzle kept an eye on me... I owe him huge. We met Eagle, a cool old timer who is double yo-yoing, meaning he left Georgia, hiked to Maine, turned around and hiked back to Georgia, and is now hiking BACK to Maine. We camped with some new faces too, namely Trail Dancer and Willy Goat. Trail Dancer gave us a new name for the privy and the activity related to it: "the Groover" and "Grooving". Thanks for that, TD!

On the trail today, Grizz and I busted out a good 12 mile day after our 16 mile scorcher yesterday. Somehow, my knee felt fine! I met two MORE eagles: "Young Eagle" and "Old Eagle", two Eagle scouts. We talked about scouting, and I signed a BSA flag on its way to Katahdin!

Arrived in Fontana Dam, a real tourist trap of a village complete with mini-golf and all. Big Shanty's parents (including his mom "Short Timer" who hiked with us the first week) have looked out for us- when I arrived, we had a cabin rented, complete with food and drink! It was great to reunite with the Pain Train... although it wasn't easy catching em! They hike big miles!

Possibly zeroing tommorow... hate to take so much time off, but very concerned about my unpredictable knee. Then, its off into Great Smoky Mountains National Park! I am VERY excited for this 6 day stretch of BEAUTIFUL (and high-bear concentration!) wilderness.

Thanks again for your comments and messages... They really make my day when I get them! If you haven't already, feel free to drop a voicemail on my phone, I try and check them regularly.

Much love to everyone, and happy trails!


AVH said...


Your adventure sounds absolutely amazing and this blog is definitely one of the most interesting I've ever found on the web.

Canada adventure is almost over. I leave for good next Friday morning. When I get back to the states I'll give you a call just to say hi.

I hope your knee is all right!

Lots of love,
Anna V.

P.S. Last year I wrote a letter to myself to send on FutureMe.org. I think you were the one who told me about the site. Anyway, this was part of the letter:

"1. Robbie. He's your best friend. Said about most people that title takes on a trite and somewhat empty meaning, but said about Robbie it's the truth. He's been taking care of me, and you should let him do the same for you because that's what friends do: they take care of eachother, they love eachother, and they're always around. So remember that even if he's not there with you right now (he could be off hiking, you could be having fabulous Canadian adventures...who knows?), it should always be enough to know that a wonderful, smart, witty, kind, charming, thoughtful and often very goofy boy has chosen to care about you and to be there for you no matter what.

On a related note, don't forget the theme ("Don't sell yourself short, don't beat yourself up") - Robbie will fucking kill you. :-)"

Anonymous said...

To all the Boy Scouts you meet along your trail journeys, allow us to say, after all those years,

Thanks for all the free money and free candy.

Love, Sister Bears