Monday, April 23, 2007

Hello All!

Made Standing Bear Farm today, a hiker hostel right outside of Davenport Gap. Long story short... the Pain Train is out of Great Smoky Mountain National Park after a lightning-quick (ish) 4.5 days! Our mileages: 15,15,15,13,17. Today was closer to 19 really, and boy I felt it!

Anyway, Internet here is slow and unreliable so I will post this. Expect more from Hot Springs, North Carolina, in 2-3 days.



Ms. Transient said...

I can't believe you've gotten so far already! You better slow down or you'll be out of Virginia before the end of May..

I applied for some jobs in Roanoke and other Virginia towns that aren't very far from the trail, so I might be down there. Regardless, I'm still tracking your progress so Dan and I can come meet you.

Keep on trucking, hope to see you soon!

Anonymous said...

HEY!!! Um...basically I stalk you on this blog. Thought I'd let you know!

Does joint birthday party still sound feasible?

PS it's Steph :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob! K-Ks doing good &so am I. I'm in the home stretch then School's out! In case you did not see the Red Sox games they beat the Yanks and made history by getting 4 home runs in a row. Brother is not juggling oringes he's juggling baseballs! But most of all good luck!

Miss you,
Littie cousin Cheap Yoshi

Anonymous said...

Hi Rob! K-Ks doing good &so am I. I'm in the home stretch then School's out! In case you did not see the Red Sox games they beat the Yanks and made history by getting 4 home runs in a row. Brother is not juggling oringes he's juggling baseballs! But most of all good luck!

Miss you,
Littie cousin Cheap Yoshi

Anonymous said...

My god, I have to SIGN up to Troll this blog. Itll probably ask me for LEGIT email adress, which for a man of my sweet hacking abilities is laughable, no one can track me down!

In any case, 19 miles is probably about as long as I walked all last month, I bet by the time your done with this, given a week rest, you'll probably be able to walk vertically right up the side of the Washington Monument and upon reaching the top, will be able to declare yourself King of the Bears.


Post Script: Yeah, script after the fact, good luck! I'll keep giving you updates while they go, this is just a chance for you to waste some time without having to hear my frustrating voice.

Anonymous said...

Good words.