Wednesday, April 4, 2007

A thunderstorm, the demise of a pack, and maybe a trail name

Rob's first trip to the Smokies, 1996

Day 4 - Wednesday April 4

Rob made it to Walasi-Yi (30 miles from Springer Mt.) this morning. So far he has tented each night, and has stayed dry. He stayed at Stover Creek (about 3 miles from Springer) his first night, then walked alone Monday for 14 miles to Gooch Gap for night #2. Last night was spent at Woods Hole just below the summit of Blood Mountain on 4/3. He was in his tent for a big thunderstrom (3 hours worth) last night! So far he is averaging about 13 miles a day.

This morning, after he and "Buffalo Bobby" summited Blood Mountain and were making the steep descent, Rob slipped - he escaped with a scrape or two, but his beloved external frame pack didn't get off so easy - he lost the hip belt and the top pouch also tore. Rob carried it (and the fifty or so pounds within) down the mountain on his shoulders - fortunately only a two mile hike to Walasi-Yi Center - the fortuitously located backpacking store-hostel-grocery whose claim to fame includes the fact the AT runs right through it! Rob is now the owner of a new Mystery Ranch internal frame pack - and he may just be a convert to this style after all - the pack features a unique "X frame" that allows larger loads than most internal frame packs. And the staff at Walasi-Yi performed their other famous function - helping hikers to lose some weight - by counseling Rob to send home several pounds of stuff. (Among his mistakes - "way too much granola"!) He'll resupply on the route for the next 130 miles, and when he reaches Fontana Dam in the Smokies, there will be a package (too heavy) from home waiting. (No granola.)

He has walked with a physicist from MIT, as well as some new friends including "Cargo" and "Big Shanty". And he has been awarded a tentative trail name himself - "Bigby". We will see if it lasts!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank goodness for Trail Guardians!